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The term ‘front surface mirror (VS)’ can basically be applied to any mirror whose first boundary surface is a mirrored surface. In contrast to a back surface mirror (mirroring of the second boundary surface), in which the passing beam is strongly reflected at the second boundary surface and slightly reflected at the first boundary surface, the double images resulting from this beam path are avoided in a front surface mirror. The task of a mirror coating is the reflection of radiation, adjustable for the UV, VIS and IR range.
Front surface mirrors are usually realised by applying metallic layers, as these have a high reflectivity over a wide wavelength range. In addition, metal mirrors whose metal layers have a rather low strength can be reinforced with additional dielectric layers. Copper is also recommended as a reflective medium for infrared diodes. The reflection values of typical front surface mirrors are between 88 % and 92 % and can also reach 94 % to 99 % for highly reflective surface mirrors. Front surface mirrors are usually designed as aluminium mirrors and are sometimes also referred to as surface mirrors.
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