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Substrates made of glass or plastic are coated with an aluminum layer in a high vacuum. The resulting aluminium mirrors are characterized by a high, colour-neutral reflectance in a spectral range from ultraviolet (UV) to infrared (IR). This makes aluminum coatings particularly suitable for broadband reflectors in the UV to far infrared range.
We can also influence the properties of the aluminum reflectors by applying additional protective coatings. Besides, we offer aluminum enhanced and aluminum protected.
We can influence the properties of the aluminum mirrors by applying additional protective layers. For example, we also offer aluminum with a dielectric reinforcing layer (aluminum enhanced / AL enhanced) aluminum enhanced and aluminum with a protective layer (aluminum protected / AL protected).
We can design the enhanced surface mirrors with an aluminum coating and dielectric protective or reinforcing layer for different spectral ranges. We can produce them as aluminium front surface mirrors with an additional dielectric layer for the visual range, but also with a dielectric protective layer specially optimized for the near infrared range to increase reflection.
Aluminum mirrors with a thin protective layer of quartz provide good UV reflection, but also achieve broadband reflection into the infrared range.
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