Ultraviolett filters (UV-filters)

UV filter for targeted blocking or transmission of UV radiation

UV filters are designed to either block or transmit specific components of the ultraviolet (UV) light spectrum. UV blocking filters, also known as UV absorbers, block ultraviolet radiation below approximately 380 nm, while transmitting visible light (VIS) and infrared (IR) radiation components.

On the other hand, UV transmitters allow ultraviolet radiation to pass through while blocking visible light, which is reflected. These filters are designed to selectively transmit UV light while preventing visible light from passing through.

Specialized UV filters can be tailored to filter specific UV radiation ranges, enabling the selective blocking or transmission of particular bands, such as UV-A or UV-B radiation.



Dielectric UV-reflectors

UV-filters that reflect rather than transmit radiation are known as UV-reflectors. These reflectors typically consist of a glass or metal substrate coated with dielectric layers, which significantly enhance the reflection of UV radiation, while allowing thermally conductive visible (VIS) and infrared (IR) radiation to pass through.

Dielectric UV-reflectors are a type of interference filter, and we can customize their reflectivity to meet the specific requirements of your component.

Bte Born - UV-Filter

Aluminum reflectors

Aluminum reflectors are a widely used type of UV reflector. These consist of a metal or glass substrate coated with aluminum to provide broadband reflection of UV, visible (VIS), and infrared (IR) radiation. Reflectors with aluminum coatings are essentially a type of metal mirror.

To prevent oxidation, aluminum reflectors are often protected with a passivation layer of silicon dioxide (SiO₂). This protective coating not only shields the reflector from environmental factors but also enhances its resistance to mechanical damage, such as scratches.

Aluminum reflectors can be applied to a variety of substrates, including metal surfaces like aluminum and stainless steel, as well as glass.

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Advantages and applications UV filters

Advantages UV-filter

  • Targeted blocking or transmission of UV possible
  • Good possibilities for adjustment to specific UV ranges
  • Depending on the filter, high reflectivity in the UV and simultaneous transmission of VIS and IR radiation or absorption of VIS/IR

Applications UV-filter

  • Display production
  • UV curing
  • UV curing (e.g. in printing machines for curing printing inks)
  • UV reflectors
  • Tanning technology (sunbeds, facial tanners)
  • Sun simulation systems (e.g. for testing photovoltaic modules)
  • Material crack testing
  • Disinfection / sterilization / sterilization
  • UV detectors (black light)
  • Gas detection
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