Bandpass filters

Bandpass filters selectively transmit defined spectral ranges

Bandpass filters are designed to transmit light within specific spectral ranges, while blocking wavelengths outside of these ranges. The transmission band can be made narrow (as in narrow-band filters) if required, and wavelengths outside this band are blocked, reducing unwanted extraneous radiation. This allows for the creation of customized bandpass filters that selectively transmit certain parts of the spectrum while blocking all other wavelengths.

A dual bandpass filter is a type of bandpass filter that transmits two distinct passbands, with blocking regions between the transmitted ranges.


principle curve of a bandpass filter

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Advantages bandpass filters 

  • High transmission
  • Optimum light throughput
  • Position of the edge is adjustable, specific wavelengths can be well isolated by steep edges
  • Stable cut-off wavelengths
  • Reduction of interfering wavelengths and unwanted stray light due to strong blocking and high optical density
  • Effective reduction of the bandwidth
  • Substrates: Borofloat, B270, float glass, selected plastics, etc.
bandpass filter

Applications bandpass filters

  • Spectroscopy
  • Inspection systems
  • Imaging systems in industrial automation
  • Traffic and surveillance (traffic and surveillance systems with cameras/image processing for monitoring and controlling traffic flow)
  • Lighting systems (LED and laser lighting)
  • Medical technology
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