Beam splitters 

Dielectric beam splitters

Dielectric beam splitters serve the purpose of separating light into its reflected and transmitted components. They are utilised when light of a particular wavelength or spectral range requires division into a reflected (R) and a transmitted (T) component, with one part being transmitted while the other is reflected. Additionally, beam splitters can merge two distinct beams into a single beam.

Utilising our thermally stable dielectric layers, we can produce beam splitters with custom splitting ratios, typically 50% / 50% (reflection/transmission) or even 30% / 70% (R/T). Due to this precise production with defined splitting ratios, beam splitters are also called “splitter mirrors”.

We offer specialised expertise in designing and manufacturing beam splitter coatings tailored to meet the specific requirements of your application.

[Translate to English:] Prinzipkurve Dielektrische Strahlteiler

Neutral beam splitters  

Neutral beam splitters separate light radiation without changing the spectral distribution

Neutral beam splitters divide light radiation without altering its spectral distribution, resulting for example in a semi-transparent mirror. This type of mirror finds application in optical measurement technology to produce two corresponding signals or images at distinct locations. Additionally, neutral beam splitters are utilised in projection technology. The spectral range for neutral beam splitters can be tailored to specific requirements. While the range between 450 nm and 650 nm is common, beam splitters for the UV and IR ranges can also be manufactured. Typically, the splitter is positioned at a 45° angle to the incident beam, although this configuration is not mandatory. We possess the capability to adjust the splitting ratio as needed, providing flexibility to meet diverse application demands.

[Translate to English:] Prinzipkurve Neutraler Strahlteiler
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